Nowadays, there is an undeniable power; it is called knowledge and social media. Big data shows efficient ways on which information to use, when to use it and how to use it by developing ‘analytical’ solutions. The information, which has become available from anywhere at any time, is ready to flow with no restriction and allows transparency. Social media, beyond individual use, has become one of the most important communication channels for organizations as well. According to the 2012 survey of the University of Massachusetts, 73% of the Fortune 500 is actively using social media. On one hand, great investments are being made on information security; on the other hand, information is highly accessible and transparent. On one hand, information is highly accessible and transparent; on the other hand, this excessive information has created a concept called ‘information pollution’. In fact, wide transparency brings the need for responsibility at all levels.

The funny thing is that there will be no more any place to hide in this whole world. For example, everyone could easily learn about the secrets of every government because of WikiLeaks. Here’s a good example of the world’s dilemma! Even though we may think any illegal information flow may ‘destroy the governments’, there is no implication of any harm in this respect. In Ray Dunphy’s opinion, people’s views on society are examined in three different categories: Modernists, Fundamentalists and Cultural Creatives. While there are so many divergent views, it is quite hard to look at the same equation with different perspectives and thus it makes it even harder to come to an agreement.

Efficiency Seeking

The distinction between Public and Private Sector is not that obvious anymore. ‘Efficiency’ is the first factor that comes to mind when we think of National Economic Growth. The public institutions which feel the pressure of efficiency start to be managed as business organizations whereas private companies’ agenda is to create projects that will add value to communities.

Companies also have a life curve like humans. The same as human beings; it begins with birth; develops by growth period; follows by maturity and then comes the decline period; eventually ends with death. Life expectancy is not as standard as in humans. Some companies are bankrupt in their first year, others in the following few years; some may resurrect and begin a new life curve following the decline period. ‘Efficiency’ is essential if we want to talk about effective sustainability. In 2003, Sean Rickard claimed that the reasons for UK’s level of productivity being behind other countries were lack of investment in innovation, the failure to train the employees and the managers and the low-level quality of the management and leadership. The Work Foundation indicates that there is not one but a few factors that triggers efficiency, and that there are five elements which comes together to create ‘high performance’. These five elements are people management, shareholders, customers and other stakeholders, regulations and innovation. The rules of the game are changing altogether. Consumers have come to expect more for less. What matters is ‘being able to offer something different and effective’, on top of it, at ‘an affordable cost’. The ‘success factor’ lies underneath being able to meet the expectations that are ‘more efficient and effective’ but with less cost at the same time.

Release: Optimist paradigm, 2014